Welcome to bonhoffer.tv

"We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

Bonhoffer.tv records and edits videos of selected progressive events throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.


October 2021: We now have a page of Resources on Democracy Defense. It contains links to resources related to the growing threats to, and defense of, U.S. democracy and electoral process. 


Never Again Action: Birth of a Movement
A 14-minute encapsulation of the birth and major activities of Never Again Action, from June 2019 through April 2020.

Google workers town hall, San Francisco, Nov. 22, 2019

Sept. 20, 2019: Silicon Valley Youth Climate Strike
march and rally, extended highlights, San Jose, California
Includes pre-march crowd and sign footage, march extracts including the
takeover of eastbound Santa Clara Street, and all youth remarks at the rally.

Sept. 13, 2019: Coalition to Close the Concentration camps, rally
to call for Palantir Corporation's repentance, Palo Alto, California
Includes full remarks by Rabbi Michael Lerner, march footage,
signature delivery action at Alex Karp's house, selected rally speakers, and more.

July 12, 2019: Highlights of Coalition to Close the Concentration camps,
rally to shut down Palantir Corporation, Palo Alto, California

July 5, 2019: Never Again Action - San Francisco march and rally to
shut down U.S. concentration camps

June 19, 2019: Rally at annual Google shareholders meeting

November 1, 2018: Google and Alphabet employees and temp/vendor/contractor walkout, Mountain View, California
Employee demands: tinyurl.com/demands-of-google

June 30, 2018: Families Belong Together rally, San Francisco
Here are some news links about the June 30 events:
SFgate   ABC News 7   KQED   DailyKos

June 14, 2018: Families Belong Together rally, San Jose

June 6, 2017: "Healthcare for All in California" - public talk by Michael Lighty, National Nurses United

About bonhoffer.tv: 

This site serves as the home base for selected progressive/activist event videos filmed in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Site built and maintained by Bruce Hahne, hahne21@gmail.com.  Yes, we know that it's actually spelled "Bonhoeffer", but "Bonhoffer" is easier for people to remember.

Admin: test streams page